Lunchtime Workshop: Take A Moment with Lisa Kelly
12.30-1.30pm, Thur 20 March, £16, live on ZOOM (Free to existing bursary students)A Moment of Silence: silence is as important as speech in communication. From an uncomfortable silence to the welcome silence of a quiet space, in this hour, we will explore silence in its varied forms with writing prompts and examples to make the silence sing. Suitable for writers of all stages and genres.
Fireside Chats: Merrilyn Thomas speaks to Alison Chandler
7.30pm-8.30pm, Thursday 27 March, live on Zoom, free to attendCelebrate the publication of Know You Her Secret, an Englishwoman's fight for survival during the Russian Revolution, by Merrilyn Thomas, a writer and historian who attended our Prioritise Your Writing course to develop her book. She'll read an extract and chat to our Co-Director Alison Chandler about why she chose fiction to tell a true family history, and why she decided to self-publish on this occasion.
End of Spring term Student Showcase presented live on ZOOM
7.30-9.30pm, Thurs 3 April, freeOnly for WRITING ROOM STUDENTS + friendsA celebration of YOU and your writing! Enjoy hearing poetry and fiction/life writing extracts from our courses this term. Read a piece yourself, or just come to listen and support your peers at this inspiring and friendly event - an evening which tutors and students always love, term after term.
Lunchtime Workshop: Take A Moment with Liz Berry
12.30-1.30pm, Thur 15 May, £16, live on ZOOM (Free to existing bursary students)A Moment of Blossom: spend a heady, dreamy lunch hour among the trees with poet Liz Berry, thinking about all things blossom. You'll read, write, watch and listen as you take part in playful exercises to spark new work. Suitable for writers of all stages and genres.
Lunchtime Workshop: Take A Moment with Nazrene Hanif
12.30-1.30pm, Thur 3 July, £16, live on ZOOM (Free to existing bursary students)A moment of unravelling: what happens when we come undone? In this reflective hour of guided writing, we’ll explore the relationship between falling apart and finding clarity, untangling stories that stretch across time. Through words, sound and image, we’ll experiment and play, rewriting what comes next. Suitable for writers of all stages and genres.
End of Summer term Student Showcase presented live on ZOOM
7.30-9.30pm, Thurs 10 July, freeOnly for WRITING ROOM STUDENTS + friendsA celebration of YOU and your writing! Enjoy hearing poetry and fiction/life writing extracts from our courses this term. Read a piece yourself, or just come to listen and support your peers at this inspiring and friendly event - an evening which tutors and students always love, term after term.
© Writing Room CICPhotography © Ruth Guthrie unless stated