Group sharing and feedback guidelines

Genuine feedback, sensitively delivered

zWriting Room is all about providing a supportive space for you to make progress
on your individual writing journey, alongside other writers who are doing the same.

An important aspect to developing writing craft is sharing work and giving/receiving useful feedback. If you're new to this, it can feel a little strange at first! But we're here to make sure that you're able to make the most of this aspect of our courses.

Here's our eight-point summary of the key elements of the supportive space that Writing Room aims to provide. Please read it carefully and hold it in mind when you come to any of our courses or drop-ins so we can all support each other:

1. Writing Room is committed to being ‘a welcoming online home for all creative writers’ and is known for its combination of genuine feedback, sensitively delivered.

2. Writers come to our courses knowing they can share unpolished work in progress in a warm and friendly atmosphere and that it will be responded to in a helpful and supportive way. We expect all participants’ comments to fit this description.

3. We are all at different stages with our writing, and we’re all able to learn from each other. Finding out how our work is received, by writers and readers, is an important part of the process.

4. Students should never share the work of their peers with anyone outside the course. Writing Room doesn't record teaching sessions (with the exception of our Editing course). Nothing that anyone has written or circulated is shared by Writing Room tutors or team in any way outside of the courses.

5. Becoming aware of our intentions as writers - and understanding the difference between the impact we intend and the impact we actually make - is a key part of our development as writers.

6. A piece of writing from a fellow writer may well remind us of a personal experience. While we might refer to this, it’s important to try to refocus on the words on the page, helping the writer create the effect they're striving for.

7. If discussions are ever uncomfortable, the group will try to assess what's happening kindly. We will try to work out how we can understand the different perspectives in play, staying open to new ideas and moving our writing forwards accordingly.

8. If anyone has concerns that directly affect themselves and/or may affect the running of the sessions – please feel free to let your tutor know before the course begins.

After the course you'll have a chance to give feedback on your experience. During the course, if you have any questions or issues to raise, please contact your tutor or our Programme Director Kate Pemberton via

We’re grateful for our students' support and commitment to this approach.

“I love the different people coming together from all different aspects of life.

Anon from a student survey

It feels like people are there for each other.

Anon from a student survey

“The camaraderie and the commitment has helped me like nothing else.

Anon from a student survey

Writing Room is a registered Community Interest Company: a non-profit arts organisation committed to serving the interests of our diverse community of creative writers.

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